The Alimiyyah Course
Alhamdulillah, we have been running an Alimiyyah for Boys since 2019. Some details of these classes are:
- We do not have a new intake every year. Rather we have an intake every 2-3 years, with a maximum of two classes running at anyone time. This gives us advantage in terms of using the same teachers across different years, and we are not struggling to recruit teachers.
- Our medium of teaching is English. All lessons, from Year 1 to the final year are conducted in English. This allows all pupils to be benefit from the discourses, debates and discussions.
- In many subjects we have a “subject based approach” rather than having the traditional “text book approach”. Examples of this are Arabic Grammar, Balagah, Principles of Fiqh etc. This allows us to teach relevant aspects of the subject, with a greater focus on the content rather than simply trying to complete the book.
- We recommend a minimum age of 13. This ensures there is an attitude of responsibility and an element of maturity. Alimiyyah requires daily commitment, where in addition to attending from 5.15pm to 8pm, there is also the requirement of 60 minutes of preparation each day at home.
- It is important to appreciate that these are “part time” classes in the evening. We thus regard our Alimiyyah as a “stepping stone” in the pursuit of Islamic Sciences such as Qur’an, Tafsir, Ahadith, Fiqh etc.
- Tarbiyah is a very important part of Islamic Education. Tarbiyah is thus incorporated in our lessons, especially when we study Qur’an and Ahadith. We always expect all our pupils to be modestly dressed, punctual in their Salah, and a role model for other children.
Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim | Ibn Majah 244